Unicodezeichen Normalisieren bzw. auf die Normalform prüfen

Unicode und die Normalform für UTF-8-kodierte Zeichen erstellen

Erstelle die Normalform für ein beliebiges Zeichen mit untenstehender Webanwendung, bitte entweder den Codepoint des Zeichen in der hexadezimalen Schreibweise oder das Zeichen selbst eingeben:

Normalization Forms

$NFD_string = NFD($string)
It returns the Normalization Form D (formed by canonical decomposition).
$NFC_string = NFC($string)
It returns the Normalization Form C (formed by canonical decomposition followed by canonical composition).
$NFKD_string = NFKD($string)
It returns the Normalization Form KD (formed by compatibility decomposition).
$NFKC_string = NFKC($string)
It returns the Normalization Form KC (formed by compatibility decomposition followed by canonical composition).
$FCD_string = FCD($string)
If the given string is in FCD ("Fast C or D" form; cf. UTN #5), it returns the string without modification; otherwise it returns an FCD string. Note: FCD is not always unique, then plural forms may be equivalent each other. "FCD()" will return one of these equivalent forms.
$FCC_string = FCC($string)
It returns the FCC form ("Fast C Contiguous"; cf. UTN #5). Note: FCC is unique, as well as four normalization forms (NF*).

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